
How does it work?

Get in touch for a complimentary discovery call. This can take place on the phone or on Skype and usually lasts between 10-30 mins. Charlotte will ask you some questions about why you’re interested in coaching and will answer questions you may have about what is involved.

From there you can decide if coaching is for you or not!


How many sessions will I need?

The duration, frequency and number of sessions varies depending on the client and the goal(s).

For some clients, one session is all they need to solve a particular dilemma or to make a decision and then they can take it from there. Some clients attend a number of sessions spread over weeks or months, depending on how much support they feel is useful to keep them on target. And some clients like to come for occasional Life “MOT’s” every few months or years to check they’re still on track and happy with the direction and progress of their lives.

Coaching is a high-leverage activity. A remarkable amount of progress can be made in a very short space of time.


Who is Coaching for?

Everyone can benefit from coaching and it’s a good idea to schedule occasional “check-ins” every now and then to make sure you’re on the right track and not wasting time, energy and resources going in the wrong direction!

The people who benefit the most are those who may be experiencing dissatisfaction with their lives, either generally or with a specific area and who have decided it’s time for a change.

Coaching can be an extremely powerful and life-changing tool but for the absolute best results, the client must feel ready to make the necessary changes – even if they don’t know what they are yet.

A commitment to the process and a real desire to improve things make the battle already half won.


Where does the coaching happen?

Coaching can happen:

  • face to face at one of the locations in Brighton and Hove
  • online via Skype or other similar software (if you prefer something else)
  • on the telephone

Follow-up e-mails may also be offered as part of your coaching if relevant.


Will the coach tell me what to do?

Coaches rarely give advice. Coaches work from the premise that the best possible person to know what is best for you, is you! This is not as scary (or as obvious!) as it may sound. It is very common for a client to begin a coaching session feeling lost and believing they don’t know what to do, and then to end the same session, sometimes as little as 20 minutes later, with new ideas that have come entirely from them and a plan of action that they know for sure is the right way forward.

Coaches are experts at helping their clients explore and come up with the best choices for themselves based on where they are and their vision for the future. They can help you change behaviour and achieve clarity in thinking, which gives much more powerful and long-lasting results.


Why don’t you give advice?

If you REALLY want advice then yes ofcourse I can give it, you’re the client! But it will undoubtedly be advice that despite my best intentions to be as objective as possible, will inevitably be influenced by my own perspectives, thoughts, opinions and life experiences, just like anyone who gives advice.

The tried and tested thinking behind not giving advice is two-fold:

  1. No one can know better everything that is going on and has gone on in your life, head and heart, and therefore what is best for you at that particular moment in time, than YOU. You are by far the best qualified person to know what is the best option for you. 
  2. You are also far more likely to stick to plans, goals and decisions that have come from you rather than those dictated to you by someone else. Success rates in this style of coaching are much higher as a result!


What’s the difference between a coach and a friend?

I’m going to quote from CBS on this one as I couldn’t say it any better myself!
“Your coach may be friendly, but they are not your friend. Your coach is your advocate. They want the best from you. They will work with you to help you reach your goals and to succeed. Your coach will hold you accountable and challenge you to grow and do more than you think you can do. They may push, pull, and stretch you in ways that may feel uncomfortable. And unlike a friendship, the coaching relationship is unilateral – it is exclusively focused on you and your goals, not the coach, his family, his golf handicap, or what she did over the weekend.”

CBSNews https://www.cbsnews.com/news/top-10-professional-life-coaching-myths/6/